Saudi Aramco has developed plans to invest in blue hydrogen in line with the transformation of the world away from traditional energy, and said it will take time until the end of this contract before developing a global market for this clean fuel.

According to Arab, head of technology department in Aramco, Ahmed Al-Khuwaiter, in an interview with Bloomberg on Sunday in Dhahran, east of the Kingdom, where we will have a large share of the blue hydrogen market. Large amounts of blue ammonia before then.

Hydrogen is seen as decisive to slow climate change, because there is no harmful greenhouse gases when burning. The blue type of fuel is used using natural gas, where carbon emissions are captured by the conversion process. Hydrogen is sometimes converted back to ammonia to allow its transfer more easily between continents.

Al-Khuwairah pointed out that the government's energy company may end approximately $ 1 billion to carbon detention, per million tonnes of blue ammonia produced. This excludes the cost of gas production.

Aramco, the world's largest oil company, sent the first shipment of Blue Ammonia in September to Japan, in a pilot project to show the export of this fuel. Al-Khuwairjo said Aramco would decide to send other shipments by request.

The comment was rejected on the amount of gas planned to produce for blue hydrogen efforts, or whether the company has abandoned its plans to produce LNG.

The Kingdom said in 2019 it aims to double gas production to 23 billion cubic feet per day this contract. She said at the time she would use additional supplies at local power plants and export the rest across pipelines or a natural liquid.

While Aramco expects oil demand to remain high for years, if not decades, the company is preparing to develop new types of fuel. Blue hydrogen is still in the pocket and will take extensive production because of the cost and complications associated with this technology.

Al-Khuwairjo said Aramco needed deals with buyers before investments in blue hydrogen started correctly.

On the time of purchase agreements, you are talking about a five-year capital session to invest in production and conversion requirements. You are talking about a very long time range.

> The company has not ruled out the production of green hydrogen, including renewable energy, usually wind or solar energy, which does not produce carbon emissions. AIR Products Chemicals Inc, based in Pennsylvania and Aqua Power International, Saudi Arabia, leads the Kingdom's efforts with regard to green hydrogen, where a $ 5 billion plant is established in New Year ...