The general assembly of Dubai Islamic Insurance and Reinsurance Company decided that it was safe not to distribute profits for the past year, and to carry them over for the coming years.

According to Al-Bayan, the general assembly approved the balance sheet and profit and loss account, and absolved the members of the board of directors, and the auditors of the financial year 2019.

While the General Assembly of Aman agreed to appoint members of the Internal Sharia Supervision Committee and the auditors for the current fiscal year 2020, and set their fees, and also approved the proposal of the Board of Directors to amend the article No. (42) of the company's articles of association.

The General Assembly also reviewed, during its remote meeting, the report of the Board of Directors on the company's activity and its financial position for the fiscal year 2019, and the report of the Fatwa and Sharia Supervision Board on the company's business during the past year , And Auditors report.