"=""> A site allocation notice was signed yesterday for the establishment and operation of a car assembly plant, in Jubail Industrial City, with the National Industrial Vehicle Company Sanam in cooperation with the Korean company Sang Ying. < / p>

Eng. Mustafa Al Mahdi, CEO of the Royal Commission in Jubail, and Badr Al Shammari, representative of the Royal Commission, Director General of Strategic Planning and Investment Development, and Fahd Al Dahish, on the part of the company, attended the signature. p>

According to Al-Eqtisadiah newspaper, the notice included allocating a land area of ​​84174 square meters, and the factory will have a production capacity that starts with ten thousand cars per year and will reach 30 thousand cars per year, And that is part of the plan of the Royal Commission in Jubail developed to develop and pump Jubail Industrial City with more industrial and commercial investment in the field of energy, industry and commercial investment, and within the framework of the Kingdom’s orientation through its 2030 vision calling for strengthening the auto industry.

This project aims to establish and operate a car assembly plant with an estimated investment of 700 million riyals, and the alleged project is expected to provide 300 direct job opportunities, and the project is considered valuable Added to the city as it is the first vehicle assembly plant in the city.

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126.5 billion riyals, the volume of Saudi foreign trade in January