According to the UAE news agency, the new share was 16,641,700 shares from the total ordinary shares of this company listed on the Moscow Stock Exchange and global deposit certificates are traded on the London Securities Market.

"En + has made significant progress in recent years and is eligible to achieve sustainable value for shareholders." The company has a leading location in the clean and aluminum energy sectors and we are happy to join the successful and growing swap investment portfolio in Russia.

For his part, Lord Parker of Patille, Chief Executive Officer of En +, said a swap for her share in EN + confirms the ability of our company to attract global investors at a swap level.

He added that a known swap by its obligation to investigates a sustainable positive impact, so that they join us to enhance confidence in our strategy aimed at leading our sector towards the low-carbon economy.

A $ 894 billion US $ 243.4 billion is distributed to 6 continents and invests in many sectors and in various asset categories, including significant investments in a world leader in clean energy, and Emirates International Aluminum Company, Aluminum production.