The British Parliament on Thursday gave the government approval to seek to delay Britain's exit from the European Union.

Lawmakers, by 412 votes to 202, agreed to a motion by the government, allowing it to request a delay in the date to leave the union.

The British pound recovered from some of its losses against the US dollar and the euro after the Parliament voted, according to Reuters.

Meanwhile, British Prime Minister Theresa May's spokesman said on Thursday that the government had agreed to redouble its efforts to secure the Brexit agreement, before Parliament voted overwhelmingly to seek a delay of an exit The country is from the European Union.

The spokesman said the cabinet agreed collectively to double its determination to work on implementing the result of the referendum to leave the European Union, by providing support for an agreement.

He added that the Cabinet was united about letting the UK exit the European Union by agreement. But he added that the government was still preparing for an exit without agreement.

He said that Mai wanted and was striving for the United Kingdom to leave the European Union on March 29th.

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