Gold is currently trading at $ 1070 and has achieved a very important bottom of the day at $ 1045 per ounce.

Our technical opinion indicates that the end of the price correction which continued from the level of $ 1900 from September 2011 and the next batch recommend that we enter the strategy in the purchase of gold, which targets important resistance levels in the coming months up to 1250 and 1350 dollars per ounce

Dear friends

In 2011, before I had the opportunity to star in Namazon together, I wrote on my personal page in social media a long article about gold when it exceeded the level of 1800 dollars and stated that it is not attractive to buy and that we are at historical peak levels and has been set support targets ending in 1080 and only a few days Even this summit was actually formed and began the downward journey until gold reached the current prices without about 1070-1050 dollars, which I think is a great point of purchase and strategic entry

Trading strategy

Buy with each correction targeting  1300