Duo International Holdings, the largest platform in China for live broadcasting, supported by gaming giant Tencent Holdings Limited, applied for an initial US public offering of up to $ 500 million. Bank of America, Merrill Lynch, GB Morgan and Morgan Stanley.

The Duo IPO also ranks as the highest IPO in the US market for Chinese companies this year, in addition to the IPO of China Café Company Lokin, the main competitor to US Starbucks.

DouYu, which broadcasts about 29 exclusive tournaments in China and focuses primarily on the direct broadcasting of games, is one of the leading emerging companies in the direct broadcast market in China, according to a draft newsletter from the US Securities and Exchange Commission website.

It is noteworthy that Duoyu is on a continuous loss journey, with losses of about 127.4 million dollars during 2018, after losses estimated at 91.33 million dollars in 2017. And, according to Refinitiv data, during the current year, Chinese companies collected about $ 271 million in American public offering, while the largest deal went to Ruhnn Holding Limited, which raised about $ 125 million.