Statistics for the American University of (Johns Hopkins) showed that the United States witnessed yesterday 1224 new deaths from infection of the Corona virus (Covid 19), which set a new record. In the number of daily deaths caused by the virus in the country.

Statistics showed that the total number of deaths due to HIV infection in the United States has reached 8,376.

The number of HIV infections on Saturday exceeded the barrier of 300,000 cases in the United States, so far it has reached 311,301,000 cases, according to Johns Hopkins University index statistics. p>

The state of (New York) remains the most affected by the virus in the United States, where it has 113,833 thousand confirmed cases, along with 3565 deaths resulting from it, while (Wyoming) remains ) The only US state where there has not been any reported deaths from the virus.

This comes at a time when about 96% of the total population in the United States is under orders to remain in their homes in an effort to rein in the spread of the virus.

US President Donald Trump yesterday warned that there will be many deaths in the coming weeks in light of the outbreak of the Corona virus (Covid 19) across the country. Country.