The Ethereum Classic network (ETC) was hit by a third attack in August, 51% on Saturday; This caused more than 7,000 blocks to be reorganized just weeks after the security upgrades were proposed.

In a tweet, Ethereum Classic confirmed the attack and promised that it is working on potential solutions to the problem, stating: While Ethereum Classic is still making progress in evaluating proposed solutions, we We are aware of the current risks on the network at these low hash levels. For miners, exchanges, and other service providers, we suggest keeping assurance requirement levels well above 7K at present.

The attack comes a few weeks after developers proposed changes to the network over the next three to six months in the hope of warding off further incursions.

> Immediate actions include defensive mining cooperation with mining pools to maintain consistent and even increased hash rates, advanced network monitoring, whitelist titles and a final weighting system to prevent reorganization String.

Ethereum Classic said in another tweet that it currently accounts for around 3% of the network's total hash and is aware that repeated attacks may occur while testing these changes.


This month alone saw Ethereum Classic suffer at least two attacks 51% before the last. Some exchanges, such as OK Oaks, have warned of ongoing attacks, even warning Ethereum Classic that they will delete them if security is not strengthened.

(Amazon Fun Knowledge)