The average price of Dubai crude, as offered by Standard & Poor's Global Platts pricing platform, rose last August to $ 43,987 a barrel, its highest since February 2020. < / p>
Two sources told Reuters that Middle Eastern producers set the official selling prices for their raw materials every month, compared to the average of Oman and Dubai crude.
Saudi Aramco has changed the standard of official selling prices for its raw materials in shipments destined for Asia since October 2018 to the average of Dubai Platts and Omani crude futures contracts at the Dubai Energy Exchange.
Oil prices witnessed a drop in Monday's session, pushing the global benchmark Brent crude to retreat from its highest level in 5 months while global demand remains below its levels before the Corona pandemic and with the rise in production American. P>
Brent contracts ended at the nearest maturity of yesterday's trading session, down 53 cents, or 1.2%, to settle at $ 45.28 a barrel, while the US benchmark West Texas Intermediate fell 36 cents, or 0.8%, to record at $ 42.61 a barrel settlement.
(Amazon Fun Knowledge)