G20 leaders pledged to major economies to support the global economy in the face of the repercussions of the Coruna virus by more than five trillion dollars.

According to Reuters, group leaders at the summit, which was held on closed-circuit television, confirmed that they are committed to taking and implementing all necessary health measures to reduce the spread of the virus.

The leaders showed unity that has exceeded any aspect of unity since the group was founded during the 2008-2009 financial crisis.

In their closing statement, they said the G-20 is committed to doing everything possible to overcome this pandemic, in cooperation with the World Health Organization, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank Group, the United Nations, and other international organizations.

The statement carried a conciliatory tone that had been the group's most prominent over trade for years, as leaders pledged to ensure the flow of vital medical supplies, essential agricultural products, and other goods and services across borders, as well as work to address disruptions in global supply chains.

But the group refrained from calling for an end to the export embargo imposed by some countries on medical supplies, although leaders said there was a need to coordinate responses linked to (international trade) so that unnecessary interference in international traffic and trade is avoided.

The statement also said that emergency measures aimed at protecting health will be targeted, proportionate, transparent and temporary.

The group leaders expressed concern about the risks faced by developing and least developed countries, especially in Africa and in refugee gatherings, and recognized the need to strengthen global financial security networks and local health systems.

Saudi Arabia, which currently chairs the group, called for an extraordinary summit via a television circle in light of criticism of the group's slow response to the crisis of the Corona virus, which has infected more than half a million people worldwide and has killed about 24 thousand people and is expected to lead to a global recession.

The Saudi monarch, King Salman, said in the opening speech that the group’s countries should focus on resuming the natural flow of goods and services, including vital medical supplies, as well as working to restore confidence in the global economy as soon as possible.

The group said it will pump more than $ 5 trillion into the global economy, as part of financial policies, economic measures and targeted guarantee plans to counter the pandemic's social, economic and financial implications.

The statement also said we welcome the steps taken by the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank Group to support countries in need of assistance by using all tools to the fullest extent.

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