The general assembly of Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company decided to distribute dividends of 0.21 dirhams per share for the second half of 2019, bringing the total paid profits for the past year to 0.34 dirhams per share .

According to the statement, during the meeting, a decision was made to amend Article 18 of the company's articles of association, which includes criteria for appointing and electing members of the Board of Directors to the shareholders, and it was approved. It was also agreed to absolve the members of the Board and the external auditors of the previous year, and it was agreed to appoint Deloitte and Touche as the external auditors for the year 2020 and determine their fees.

Mohamed Hadi Al-Husseini, Chairman of the Board of du, said: I am pleased to announce that our shareholders have agreed to the recommendation of the Board of Directors to distribute dividends of 0.21 dirhams per share for the second half of 2019, bringing the total dividends per share for the fiscal year ending on December 31, 2019 to 0.34 dirhams Per share for the previous year.

He added: With the current developments related to coronavirus pandemic, and through our role as a leading national company operating in a strategic sector, it is among our responsibilities to ensure the continuity of the communication services that we provide to individuals, companies, government institutions and all vital sectors in order to be able to continue its activity.

He went on to say: Since the beginning of the crisis, we have taken many measures to protect stakeholders, prioritize their health and safety, ensure the continuity of all of our commercial operations and manage our infrastructure to deal with the renewed needs of our clients.

In light of the successive events imposed by the pandemic, we have activated our emergency plans and assessed its impact on our actions. We continue to closely monitor the situation and the Executive Management will provide a preliminary view on business development with the announcement of financial results for the first quarter of 2020.

Currently, the Board of Directors is committed to continuing all efforts to ensure the provision of high-quality services to our customers while maintaining the pace of transformation in the company. I am confident and hopeful that we will emerge from this crisis stronger than ever.

Shareholders registered in the Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company du registry prior to the date of April 26, will be entitled to receive profits for the second half of 2019, which will be paid from May 10.