Saudi debt instruments achieved gains of 1.33% during the week before last from December 14-18.
According to Arabiyanet, Saudi debt instruments have become the fifth best sovereign in terms of performance in emerging markets, as certified by the ICE Bank of America Merrill Lynch bond index. Saudi debt instruments in this index reached 12.8%.
and unlike what was usual in past years, the momentum of external borrowing from the Gulf and emerging markets continued in the last months of this year, according to Al-Eqtisadiah newspaper.
Kuwait's Burgan Bank became the last Gulf agency to resort to the debt market in December after it took advantage of the available issuance window before the credit change.
The increase in the returns of Saudi debt instruments in the last weeks of this year comes despite the investors' appetite for high-yielding instruments, known as high-yield bonds, at the expense of the names High-quality investment grade, according to CreditSights, an independent credit research memos.
The Credit Sites research platform is one of the leading voices in global credit markets that hedge funds and asset management companies listen to in assessing the credit risk of investment securities .
In the same context, the existing Saudi debt instruments strengthened their presence in the portfolios of emerging market investors at the end of the first half of the year when those issues collectively formed 0.03%, equivalent to $ 131.7 billion of Emerging market issuances total $ 4.1 trillion.
Thus, the debt instruments of the Saudi authorities become an integral part of the indicators of measuring the performance of international bonds and the portfolios of global asset management companies, whose impact is positively reflected in pricing and increasing investor demand Aliens on such versions.
On the other hand, Saudi exporters ranked second most active in debt issuance of hard currencies in the Gulf region by the end of the first half, with their existing issuances accounting for 29.1% ( $ 131.7 billion) out of the total issuances of the Gulf region, which amounted to $ 452 billion.
and the existing fixed income instruments mean the bond and sukuk issuances that were issued in the past years and it is not too late to extinguish them. The statistics for the first half of this year were based on the research study (on fixed income management) ...