"French President Emmanuel Macon announced an ambitious plan after the European US agreement and aims to establish ten European technology companies worth 100 billion euros, each by 2030, an attempt To compete with US dominant companies on the sector.

According to Arab Net, the plan is part of an initiative at Europe, France is trying to lead to emerging financing, particularly in its subsequent growth stages to help them upgrade to higher levels to attract investors.

The plan includes improvement and activation of European Union financing schemes and how to encourage more adventurous capital funds to invest in emerging companies, according to a website by about 200 companies including emerging enterprises associations.

The Director of the World Trade Organization (WTO) commended the United States and the European Union to resolve its dispute over the support of the aircraft industry. This agreement proves that with hard work and political will members of WTO can achieve historical results.

This came after the European Union and the United States agreed on a truce in 17 years, on government subsidies granted to Boeing and Airbus.

The truce includes commercial fees by the two parties for five years, while continuing conversations to reach a final agreement.

The two sides were in place in March to suspend these fees for four months, on goods worth 11 billion and $ 500 million.