The UAE Ministry of Finance announced that it does not intend to increase the value-added tax in the country.

According to Arabia Net, foreign companies have received that there will be no added fees or taxes with interest.

Foreign companies in Dubai and a number of other emirates in the country represent the largest percentage, unlike countries such as Saudi Arabia and Oman, which are the largest national companies.

Companies direct most of their export activities to Asia and elsewhere.

Official statistics document that the value of re-export trade to the UAE has reached about 1.046 trillion dirhams during the past three years, constituting 25% of the total UAE trade in the same period Monitoring, which amounted to 4.141 trillion dirhams.

In early January 2018, value added tax was applied in the UAE, which is a 5% indirect tax imposed on most goods and services that are supplied at every stage From the supply chain stages.

Last December, the Federal Tax Authority began implementing the Cabinet’s decision to expand the range of goods to which the selective tax applies to also include liquids used in electronic smoking devices and devices and devices And electronic smoking tools at 100% and 50% for sweetened drinks.