Dear reader, are you interested in following the economic news?

Whatever your answer, let's take a detailed look at that in terms of problems and solutions. Inside cold air-conditioned bubbles and in front of hot digital platforms populate pasteurized Arab economic media away from street interactions. Who loves art, sports and politics shows, despite the fact that everyone is clashing instantaneously and daily subscribing to countless economic accounts ... Here the question floats: Why does the Arab economic media not receive the same attention of viewers as other media branches ?!

first: delusion of specialization

Economic media makers reiterate that it is a specialized media that transmits and analyzes information and data for those interested in this field, as if technical, sports, and political channels are channels that are not specialized in their field.

Here a new justification appears, which is the nature of the activity itself, which touches the feelings and lives of the viewer, as if money is the backbone of life itself that does not directly affect the viewer, the individual who is an independent economy. < / p>

So there is a missing language of dialogue between the economic media and the general public, and an exclusive language of dialogue addressed to a select segment that the media goes to in order to present its products, and another segment that comes to it when needed Only here the Arab economic media indulges in the trap of delusional specialization between the lost and the confined, so it does not take much to the streets under the pretext of seeking politics with the economy, and that is a problem that can be overcome by presenting the economy from social, psychological and developmental perspectives.

Second: The traditional style

The development of other media branches permits them with wider spaces in the minds of viewers, for artistic and social topics are sweeping; because they contemporary society’s movement in real time and transmit from it and about it in a way that is very similar and sports and political issues received Great interaction, because of its endless controversy and challenge.

As for the Arab economic media, it has literally adhered to the evolving traditional pattern within the limits of digital platforms, it does not resemble or participate in the broad segment of societies, nor does it raise the amount due the attention, controversy and challenge that affects People’s ideas and livelihood.

This problem has multiple solutions that start with changing the usual image patterns, so the opening of trading sessions for Arab stock exchanges must start from the street to stimulate the interested and promote the non-interested, as well as attention to the mental health of traders with an analysis The mutual psychological impact between the parties to the economic decision.

On the other hand, daily direct scenes from the lives of workers in various fields can be transferred with the intent of human interest in the news maker and the actual economic engine, as well as the transmission of simplified financial information through interactive competitions To the public.

Third: The growing threat

Media is facing the economy ...