Republicans will begin in the US House of Representatives in accepting voluntary contributions to the campaign in encrypted currencies.

According to Arab NRCC NRCC, the first national party commission to seek donations in encrypted currencies, putting it at the forefront of new and controversial financial technology that could test the funding rules.

The AXIOS site told AXIOS as would deal with donations using the BITPAY payment processor. Donations will be converted into encrypted currencies immediately to dollars before entering the NRCC Committee account.

This means that the Committee will never accidentally encrypted currencies, allowing them to accept individual donations of $ 100,000 per year, rather than the maximum value of $ 100 for actual transfers such as Petquin.

In other words, NRCC does not actually receive encrypted currencies, it only seeks to get revenue from its sales. This highlights a smoother treatment of recruited currency holdings in political contributions.

The Republican MP Tom Emmer said in a statement.

Imager is also a co-chairman of the Blockchain Conference in Congress, as well as a member of the Financial Services Committee of the House of Representatives.

The US taxes have recently been pressed for mitigating regulations on donations in encrypted currencies for charitable groups.

While NRCC is the first party to do so, a few federal political candidates have been encrypted.

The Federal Electoral Commission expressed concerns about conflict between the rules of transparency, federal disclosure and identity that was designed for encrypted currencies. But the NRCC, such as other political committees, which requested contributions to encrypted currencies, confirms that they will seriously collect the definition information from all individuals who use the encrypted currency to donate.