Standard & Poor's Globe forecast a new increase in government borrowing that will raise global sovereign debt to $ 50 trillion this year, and the agency expects sovereigns to borrow the equivalent of about $ 7.78 trillion this year, up 3.2% from 2018.

Karen Vartapetov, Standard & Poor's analyst, said that about 70%, or $ 5.5 trillion, of total sovereign debt would be to refinance a long-term debt that would merit , Which would result in net borrowing requirements of about $ 2.3 trillion, or 2.6% of the GDP of countries with ratings.

The rise of sovereign debt to $ 50 trillion implies a six percent increase over last year and is partly due to exchange rate fluctuations.

It is worth noting that, global debt levels hit a record $ 182 trillion in 2017 as they grew 50% in the past ten years, but the picture appears less dark when taking a value Take into account the general assets.