A new tax will be imposed on major Internet companies, such as Google and Facebook, by the Austrian government, after plans to impose a European digital tax have failed, and it is likely that the tax will reach 5% of the company's digital advertising revenue, which is higher than the 3% digital tax that France and Spain are levying.

The Austrian tax will affect digital companies whose global annual revenues are at least 750 million euros ($ 840 million) and the revenue and revenue of their Austrian advertising is at least 25 million euros. < / p>

Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurtz told a press conference, in his presentation of the bill, which has not yet been passed by Parliament, that he expects that many other European Union member states will join us in imposing Taxes on Internet giants, he added, is a step towards a higher level of justice in reference to the average 0.8%, which these companies are currently paying in the form of taxes.

A French-German proposal to impose a European digital tax had failed at a meeting of European Union finance ministers last March, as countries such as Ireland, Sweden and Denmark had refrained from supporting them.

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