Today, Wednesday, the Abu Dhabi Securities Market witnessed the execution of large deals on ADNOC Gas shares, worth 780 million dirhams.

According to market data, 15 deals were executed at a price of 3 dirhams on 260 million shares of ADNOC Gas, representing 0.3 percent of the company’s shares.

Direct large deals are deals that are executed outside the order book and do not affect the closing price of the company's stock or the price index, nor do they affect the highest and lowest prices executed during the session and during the last 52 weeks.

During 2023, the local stock markets in the UAE witnessed the execution of 212 large and direct deals on 39 listed companies for 4.046 billion shares, worth nearly 31.3 billion dirhams.

The Abu Dhabi Securities Market accounted for the largest share of major deals, with 140 deals executed on 2.236 billion shares, worth more than AED 28.5 billion, while the Dubai Financial Market witnessed the execution of 72 deals on 1.81 billion shares, worth AED 2.69 billion.