The US White House announced yesterday evening that President Donald Trump's Corona Virus Screening Test results were negative, which means that he is not infected with the virus.

In a note prepared by US President Sean Conley's doctor, I received this evening confirmation that the examination result is negative.

Trump announced Saturday that he had undergone an examination of the new Corona virus (Covid 19) after fears increased over the past days about Trump's health after meeting at his resort in Florida, with Brazilian officials found to be Among them were HIV-positive.

In the same context, the US state of Georgia announced the postponement of the primaries, which were scheduled for this March 24 to the next month of May, amid fears of the Corona virus.

This came the day after Louisiana announced that it would postpone its primaries to its due date due to concerns about the virus from April 4 to June 20.

In the same regard, health tests revealed the infection of a sailor from the naval base in San Diego with the Corona virus, which is the first positive case of the virus for sailors in California, USA, and the second personnel Viruses are identified at the Miramar Military Base.