The market value of some global companies rose to new highs, despite the Corona epidemic sweeping the world and its impact on the economies of countries; As these giants seemed unaffected by the crisis, as they were on the beneficiary side most of the time.

as a result, the cumulative market value of these companies occupies a large share of the global GDP.

According to Arabnet, data provided by Bankr indicates that the top ten companies by market value reached a total value of $ 10.06 trillion on December 13, 2020. This figure represents about 11.93% of the revised global GDP for 2020 of $ 84.27 trillion.

Apple ranked first with a market capitalization of $ 2.09 trillion, or 2.48% of global GDP, and by a large difference Microsoft came second with capital It has a market value of $ 1.59 trillion, followed by Amazon - whose CEO, Jeff Bezos ranks first in the list of the world's richest people - with a market value of $ 1.55 trillion, while the Taiwan Semiconductor Corporation ranked tenth with a market capital of $ 470 billion. >

and with the focus of the report on multinational companies, it neglected companies in some countries, including Aramco, the Saudi oil giant, with a market capitalization estimated at 1.9 trillion dollars. If added, the value of the top ten companies will increase by about $ 1.5 trillion.

Tech companies at the forefront

Tech companies in the United States dominate the world's most valuable brands. The Big Five saw a big surge in their shares in 2020 during the outbreak. Especially in light of individuals turning to technological solutions during the pandemic, whether to work remotely, learn, entertain, or shop, with a great ability for these companies to provide solutions.

and if it were not for the epidemic, the sizes of these companies would have been lower, but the contraction of the global economy and the significant rise in the value of these companies would have been credited with this exciting concentration. >