A survey conducted by the leading cryptocurrency company, Bitcoin IRA, showed that 42% of the platform's clients expect the price of Bitcoin (BTC) to exceed $ 15,000. By the end of 2020.

According to an announcement on June 29, 2020 Bitcoin IRA surveyed more than 300 of its clients who voluntarily answered questions, with 57% of respondents saying Also, they buy and own digital currencies as a long-term investment.

According to Queen Telegraph, Mike Shropo, Head of Marketing at Bitcoin IRA, said that all of the respondents were individual investors.

When asked if the company believes the price prediction is accurate, Sherropo said: We firmly believe in the fundamental long-term benefits and value propositions of the cryptocurrencies that our financial system provides.

He went on to say: Upward price pressures are likely to continue with Bitcoin's increased adoption and scarcity, and with the global money supply of banknotes increasing during the epidemic.

The survey also revealed that 53% of respondents are interested in earning interest on their investments, either through lending or investment.

Moreover, 46% showed an interest in investing in precious metals, 36% in hemp and 9% in films.