The general assembly of Dubai Investment Company approved distributing 10% cash dividends, at a value of 425.2 million dirhams for the year 2019.

According to Emirates News Agency, the last day for participation in the profits will be on the 10th of June, while the profit due date will be on the 14th of the same month.


Dubai Investment Company achieved profits of 657.6 million dirhams during the year 2019, compared to 651.4 million dirhams achieved during the year 2018.

The increase in the company's profits during the past year was due to a decrease in general and administrative expenses by 9%, as well as a decrease in the provision for impairment of financial assets and contracts to 14.5 million dirhams. p>

The General Assembly also approved, during its meeting, the report of the Board of Directors on the company's activity and financial statements for the year 2019, while it elected the members of the Board of Directors for the new session 2020-2023.
