The venture capital fund Blockchain Name Ventures has invested in Sharp Shark, a Chilean startup that takes advantage of the Symbol Blockchain platform to provide timezone solutions to content creators to protect their intellectual property. It will also allow them to encode or transfer their creativity.

According to the report published by (Queen Telegraph), Sharp Shark is designed for creators ranging from writers, academics and journalists to photographers, artists and designers.

The platform will create a digital signature that will be issued for text and images to Blockchain Symbol. The data is stored in an immutable form and is consistent with the privacy policies.

Major use cases for Sharp Shark include media, academia, and user-created content platforms.

The company said that writers and journalists can use Sharp Shark to detect plagiarism, prevent copyright violations, and create a portfolio of their intellectual property.

Killin O'Donnell, co-founder and general partner at Nim Ventures, added: “The current timestamp solutions and copyright deposits have been very costly. Sharp Shark Digital Timestamp Service records artworks aimed at protecting the moral rights of content creators in their work by detecting plagiarism and copyright infringement.

Blockchain technology can greatly help solve one of the biggest challenges facing digital content creators like preserving the copyrights of their work.

(Fun Knowledge of Knowledge)