The district cooling industry sector in the UAE achieved a net profit of 1.5 billion dirhams in 2019, and the sector's revenue reached more than 3.6 billion dirhams during the same year. p>

According to the Emirates News Agency, a report prepared by UVM Marketing Marketing and Consulting indicated the acquisition of Emirates Foundation for Central Cooling Systems Empower - the largest provider of district cooling services in the world based in Dubai - the largest share of the total net profits achieved in the sector as it reached more than 58%, while the share of Abu Dhabi-based National Central Cooling Company was 31.5% of the total profits of the sector in 2019.

The Emirates Central Cooling System EMPOWER recorded during the year 2019 a net profit of 871 million dirhams, achieving an increase of 8.3 percent compared to last year and estimated at 804 million dirhams ... while the value of the total revenue of the Foundation in the year 2019 was approximately 2.19 billion dirhams, an increase of 7.9 percent Compared to last year.

As for the National Central Cooling Company, Tabreed, its net profit amounted to 472.5 million dirhams in 2019, a growth of 11 percent compared to 427.6 million dirhams in 2018.

As for Emirates District Cooling Emicool Central Cooling Services, which is wholly owned by Dubai Investment Company, it is the third key player in the district cooling market in the UAE. Soon, the company was founded 17 years ago.

District cooling is an essential part of the energy systems that form the basis of sustainable, economic and urban development, and is also ideal for large and high-intensity projects such as commercial areas in the city center
Airports, universities, residential towers, and commercial organizations.