> American deputies proposed projects to combat hegemony and monopoly to reduce the dominance of technology companies such as Apple and Facebook. This is an ambitious step to break the monopoly of major companies.

According to Arab Net deputies from the two main parties, Democratic and Republican, five separate draft laws proposing comprehensive changes so that they can restructure the largest technology and entertainment companies and a comprehensive reform of their trade practices.

In an attempt to prevent corporate integration, suggesting to make the purchase of giant companies such as Google and Amazon for smaller smaller companies, as well as facilitating the dismantling of companies using their dominant location to achieve deep progress in another field.

Democrat David Cecilin, chairman of the subcommunic substation in the House of Representatives at the moment, enjoys unregulated technological monopolies with great influence on our economy.

He said they were in a distinct position to identify winners and losers and destroy small companies and raise prices on consumers and expel people from their business.

He pointed out that the goal is to equal opportunities and ensure that strong technology companies follow the same rules facing another company.

The draft laws submitted after a 16-month investigation comes by the Sub-Commission to Combat Monopoly to develop competition in the digital market, especially the informal authority exercised by Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google.

US President Joe Biden and other countries in the Group of Seven are keen to determine a global tax rate at least 15% on multinational companies, try to improve tax revenues from giant technology companies.

Projects of anti-monopoly laws and vote must be discussed in the Judicial Committee before the House of Representatives vote.

You will also need to be approved in the Senate, before they signed by Biden to become a window.