After the settlement of improper reporting fees for the volume of exchange and self-trading with the Trading Committee on Futures on Friday, reports reported that the Digital Currency Currency Queen Bez was scheduled to Issuing the inclusion of shares until next month.

The work of Law Enforcement Manager Vincent McGogong said: The reporting or misleading or inaccurate information on transactions undermines the safety of digital asset pricing ... send enforcement action This message is that UNHCR will protect the integrity and transparency of this information.

> The request for commodity trading committee provides that between January 2015 and September 2018, the company operated two automated trading programs, Hidjar and Rabelleworth, while the stock exchange revealed the use of a trading program Unveils that they were using two identical processes often.

> Queen Bez EBI provided fraudulent trading data to entities such as the Chicago Trading Stock Exchange and Ken Market Cap as well as the New York Stock Exchange via transportation Direct from Queen Bez.

The Trading Committee of Futures indicates that these counterfeit data are likely to lead to a vulnerable volume and level of liquidity for digital assets, including Petquin, which was wrong or misleading Or inaccurate.