a Morgan Stanley executive said that young and enterprising people usually turn to digital currencies, while older investors stick to traditional assets.

In an interview on Tuesday, with CNN broadcaster Julia Chatterley, Morgan Stanley, head of emerging markets at Morgan Stanley and chief global strategist Rocher Sharma, stated that the generational gap when it comes to The Order to Invest is seeing many millennials choose Bitcoin (BTC) over gold.

Sharma said: I think some of the big [investors] are still buying gold, and millennials are buying more Bitcoin and digital currencies.

Part of the younger generation's drive to look toward digital currencies may be linked to Sharma's prediction that inflation could come as early as 2021 in the United States.

Sharma cited a number of monetary and financial measures that officials have taken to deal with the economic repercussions of the epidemic. By printing a lot of money, there is a need to search for alternative assets.

He added: Having roughly 5% or so of your gold portfolio is not a bad idea ... if you're more adventurous - and I think it's It's about demographics - research Bitcoin and other digital currencies.

According to the Queen Telegraph, the cryptocurrency community on Twitter saw an example of this in real time yesterday. Popular gold advocate Peter Schiff put out an online survey to determine Who is most trustworthy when it comes to financial advice: A 57-year-old gold expert with 30 years of experience as an investment professional or an unemployed 18-year-old college student prefers Bitcoin.

of the 82,906 people surveyed in the previous survey, 81.3% chose the young man.

(Amazon Fun Knowledge)