Despite the early signs of a possible trade agreement between the United States of America and China to end the trade war, the following is happening now ,

First ... European countries' exports added about $ 70 billion to their export quota to world countries, including $ 50 billion to fill the void of China's exports to America.

Second ... about $ 20 billion in additional European exports to China instead of US products that did not go to Beijing due to the trade war.

"rtl" style = "text-align: justify;"> Third, about 82% of China's exports to America went to European countries, Canada, Mexico, and Vietnam.

Fourth, China has replaced about 5% of US imports to it with homemade products.

Fifth ... Japan, Canada, and Mexico added about $ 20 billion to their export forces due to the trade war between Trump and China ... by about 3% for Japan and 4% to Canada and 1% to Mexico

Sixth ... Vietnam's exports increased by about 5% to the American elephant and Chinese dragon in the war of tariff_customs exchanged between them

Seventh ... Iranian exports increased by 0.7% to China due to the increase in US tariffs on Chinese products, despite the US economic sanctions imposed on Iran