The head of the Suez Canal Authority, Osama Spring, decided to suspend the movement of navigation by the channel temporarily.

According to Arab Net, chairman said in a statement on Wednesday that the movement of navigation on Wednesday sawed on Wednesday. It must be moved according to the alternative scenario waiting for the Great Lakes region until the movement of navigation is fully resumed after the ship float.

He explained that floating efforts, including tensile and paid by 8 giant locomotives in the tractor 1 pools of 160 tonnes.

In a connected context, Japan's ownership of the ship's vessel in the Suez Canal said it was difficult to float.

Shui Kisen apologized, announced that it works to resolve the situation. She noted in a statement, that the ship did not result in injuries or oil leakage.

The ship's floating attempts have been launched last Tuesday morning. p>

It is worth mentioning, the GIVEN Panel Green is 400 meters long, with 59 meters, with a total of 224 thousand tons.

The channel's navigation has led to higher oil prices amid universal anticipation, given the importance of the channel as one of the world's most important trade corridors and accounts for about 12% of the World Trade Movement. The congestion in the Suez Canal, the main shipping artery, has so far at least 10 oil tankers carry a total of 13 million barrels. There are also ships loaded with petroleum products such as diesel.

They flowed around 2 million barrels per day of crude oil and oil products across the canal, over the past 12 months, according to Praimar estimates.

The channel last year witnessed about 19,000 net loads of 1.17 billion tons, with average 51.5 vessels a day, according to Suez Canal data.