YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki said that one of the company's priorities this year is the ability to add non-destructible tokens (NFTs) to video creators on YouTube. The platform.

In a message posted on Tuesday, Wojcicki made it clear that YouTube's intent is to help content creators take advantage of emerging technologies, CoinTelegraph reported.

In her message, Wojcicki also mentioned her intention to improve the live experience for game creators as a priority. As the incorporation of non-destructible tokens into video games has become the primary use case for the adoption of non-destructible tokens, this may indicate that game creators may be more open to benefiting from YouTube's new initiative.

As YouTube looks to increase the number of ways creators can make money, one option is to take advantage of emerging technologies. Currently, there are 10 ways for creators to monetize their business, including ads and short videos similar to the newly launched TikTok.

YouTube has one of the largest communities of creators and is the second most visited site in the world, according to Similar Web.

In light of the rise of metaviruses and other Web3 initiatives by social media platforms such as Meta and Twitter, which recently allowed iOS users to use non-accessible tokens, To destroy as their profile pictures, YouTube looks to the competition to retain and attract talent.