foreign investors pumped $ 313 billion into emerging market portfolios over the past year, a 13% decrease compared to 2019, as markets have been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.

According to Arabiya Net, IIF data in December showed that emerging market securities attracted $ 45.9 billion, of which $ 29.3 billion went to stocks . This total number includes $ 13.2 billion going into Chinese stocks alone.

The institute said that bonds and other debt instruments attracted $ 16.6 billion from non-residents in the past month.

The Institute of Finance described the annual reading as remarkable considering that the Covid-19 shock has resulted in one of the most severe and violent displacement episodes ever.

The year witnessed the largest monthly inflows ever recorded by the institute at the same time, as November saw a $ 75 billion increase in inflows, while March recorded March displacement of nearly 90 billion dollars.

Fitch announced yesterday that global sovereign debt rose by ten trillion dollars to $ 77.8 trillion, or 94% of GDP, as governments boosted spending on health. And supported the economies that were hit by the repercussions of the Corona pandemic.