The Ministry of International Cooperation in Egypt launched the annual report for 2020, international partnerships for achieving sustainable development, which reviews the ministry's efforts in coordination with multilateral and bilateral development partners, and various government agencies As well as the private sector to support Egypt's march towards implementing the sustainable development goals.

The Ministry supported the country's plan to achieve the sustainable development goals through development funds worth $ 9.8 billion concluded in 2020, including $ 6.7 billion to support the government's efforts to achieve National development goals consistent with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, in addition to $ 3.2 billion directed to support private sector activities and investment in many areas.

These development funds contribute directly to the achievement of 14 sustainable development goals, foremost among which is the ninth goal on infrastructure, industry and innovation, and the eleventh goal on cities and local communities The sixth goal on clean water and sanitation, the seventh goal on providing clean energy at affordable prices, the twelfth goal, which is to encourage responsible consumption and production, and the thirteenth goal on climate action.

The development funds that were provided during 2020 for the private sector supported the achievement of the eighth goal of the sustainable development goals on decent work and economic growth, and the ninth goal of infrastructure, industry and innovation .