The air traffic in Europe has achieved a significant recovery with the return of people to the sky for summer vacations.

According to Arab Net regardless of the short-term rise during the birthday, the air traffic is at its highest level compared to pre-Kovid levels since March last year, when the continent's closures began to really affect the demand.

Data from Eurocontrol showed it on Sunday to just over 50% of 2019 levels based on a mountain medium for seven days, according to Bloomberg, and Arabic.

Recovery offers some hope for airlines on the continent, as well as oil refineries that have seen the collapse of the demand for aircraft fuel. The decline in flying from the epidemic has led to the transformation of natural value fuel production into other oil products such as diesel and naptas.

In April, aircraft and kerosene fuel consumption in Europe and Europe are 690,000 bpd, according to the International Energy Agency. This is 74% increase compared to the previous year.

While increasing recovery, there is still a long way to go. Even in the most optimistic scenario in Eurocontrol, the continent is scheduled to reach only 79% from 2019 levels by the end of this year.