Amazon plans to launch its branded TV in the US as early as October.

According to Arabiya Net, the company launched AmazonBasics TV in India late last year. The company has also teamed up with other manufacturers to sell TVs exclusively with built-in Fire TV software. But these models always bear the trademark of the manufacturer, such as Toshiba.

The US launch has been in the works for nearly two years and includes teams from Amazon Devices and Lab126.

The launch of the TV puts the e-commerce giant in direct competition with other electronics companies, including Samsung, Sony and LG, which in many cases sell their devices through Amazon online, according to the Arab portal for technical news.

The models are expected to be large screen TVs in the 55 to 75 inch range. It is scheduled to be launched as soon as possible in October. But the offering was suffering from logistical bottlenecks.

Amazon is also working on a separate TV that it designs in-house. The company's TV sold in India is manufactured in that country and features the Fire TV operating system as well as Alexa voice controls.

The 55-inch version is currently sold for $588, while the 50-inch version costs $506.

While some customers praised the TVs as a good value, many complained that the AmazonBasics logo flashed across the screen for 15 minutes before they could watch shows, or Alexa crashes.

This is not the first time that Amazon has entered the field of electronics and home appliances with its own branded device.


In 2018, the company released a series of Alexa-powered home appliances, including a microwave oven, amplifier, and subwoofer.

It aims to make Alexa, its voice assistant, as ubiquitous as possible. It is easily accessible by placing it in the areas where people spend the most time.

However, it is unclear how successful this approach will be. Alexa is still mostly used for simple functions like playing music or telling the time.