Sir Charlie between the deputy bank governor of the former Bank of England, will continue to work from home until after the corona pandemic ends.

In accordance with Arab Net, Charlie stressed that the major cities will change forever.

"The former deputy monetary conservation in the bank said the transition would affect the economy in ways, which did not expect it fully.

"Everyone will not work from 9th to 5 and five days a week, and this, in fact, will change the way the major cities like London. p>

We will not have strict moving times.

"The Governor of the Bank of Andrew Billy recently said he believed that epidemiological habits like remote work would be permanent after the crisis.

Many companies are planning to allow mixed work and distributed between the office and home, where the Nissen Wade group, which has one of the largest banks in Britain, said it would give its adult employees The number of 13 thousand freedom control is to locate their work.